March 2025
Kelcey’s Corner
Greetings, all!
To start this newsletter off on exciting news, Clubhouse has brought in its newest and tiniest staff member, Sasha the cat! She is in charge of pest control! As she gets adjusted to her new space and surroundings, please remember to be respectful of her: do not pick her up (she’s recently had surgery), do not feed her people food (she could get sick), and during meals do not let her sit on your lap. She is more than happy to play with you or receive pets any other time though! You can find her most frequently lounging with Seth, playing with Colin, or making laps in the Business/Clerical computer lab.
Some other exciting changes that have happened this past February include the implementation of weekly PSD planning groups and workshops. We talked about grief and loss, emotional regulation, communication and interpersonal skills, and self compassion this month. Additionally, on the first Monday of every month we will be holding a social recreation planning group to plan out our fun activities for every month! 😊
On a sadder note, we are also saying goodbye to our dear staff, Karen. She is leaving to take care of some personal things, and we will miss her dearly. She has worked with Clubhouse since 2022 and has helped all of us at least once in some way, shape, or form. We will miss you Karen, and we wish you all the best! Stay in touch! 😊
Some things that are going on that we haven’t touched on yet include officially including Karaoke as one of our monthly activities! Every month, there are four big Friday activities: Games / Crafts day, Movie day, Bingo day, and Karaoke day! Another weekly recurring event that I think you might find interesting is Darvin’s Addictions and Recovery Meetings, hosted every Tuesday in the Fountain Springs MPR at 3:00 PM!
Lastly, I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the organizers of Festival du Voyageur for the tickets we received. Our members had a fantastic time on the last Sunday of Festival. Tammy writes more about her experiences at Festival du Voyageur further down the page.

Elmer’s Progress Update
Last year, Elmer experienced a health issue that led to a fall, landing him at 7 Oaks. Since his recovery and starting to use a walker, he has made incredible progress! He’s now walking around—sometimes even partying around—at Clubhouse. He has even been able to go short periods without his walker!
Elmer reports that he’s feeling great so far this year and feels stable using his walker. He extends his gratitude to everyone for their kindness and support over the past year and beyond. He wishes everyone a fantastic spring!

Festival du Voyageur with Tammy
On February23rd, my friend Gord and I attended Festival du Voyageur together. We visited Fort Gibraltar, where we learned how the fire pits at Festival were made. We also watched as heated metal was hammered repeatedly on an anvil to create jacket hooks.
In another part of the Festival, we explored an exhibit featuring different animal furs—and we even got to touch them! Some of the furs on display included beaver, muskrat, otter, wolf, bison, moose, brown bear, polar bear, and more.
Afterward, we enjoyed live music in the entertainment tent, which was tons of fun! We treated ourselves to hot chocolate, mini doughnuts, and even a maplepop. For those who don’t know, a maple pop is made by pouring maple syrup over snow, letting it cool until it starts to solidify, then rolling it onto a popsicle stick—like a sweet, icy lollipop. It was so delicious that it was worth my blood sugar going a little higher than it should have!
We were incredibly grateful for the opportunity to attend Festival and sincerely thank the organizers for donating tickets to us at Clubhouse!
More Pictures of the Fun at Clubhouse